Board of Directors, March 2013
Meeting Materials
The following materials are from the RTC Board of Directors meeting held on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, at Clark County Public Service Center.
- Agenda
- Minutes - February 5, 2013 Meeting
- March Claims - Item 4
- TSMO/ITS Program: Technical Services Contract, Resolution 03-13-06 - Item 4
- 2013-16 MTIP Amendment: Quick Response Safety Grants, Resolution 03-13-07 - Item 4
- 2013-16 MTIP Amendment: Safe Routes to School Grants, Resolution 03-13-08 - Item 4
- MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program Process, Memo - Item 5
- Metropolitan Transportation Plan Capital Facilities Review, Memo - Item 6
- New WSDOT Federal Obligation Authority Rules - Item 7
- Item 6 MTP Slide Presentation and a Resolution Proposed by Commissioner Madore - Item 8
- Entire Meeting Packet - zipfile archive of all PDFs