Interface: WSDOT SWR Field Equipment - WSDOT SWR CV RSE

Information Flow Definitions
asset ID (Future)
A unique identification number and optional additional information. This flow represents the output of an RFID tag that is used for identification and tracking of assets, including both passive and active RFID tag technology options. For active tags, additional stored information that conveys additional information about the asset (e.g., lot number, production date, service data) may be provided along with the unique ID.
barrier system control (Future)
Information used to configure and control barrier systems that are represented by gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways.
barrier system status (Future)
Current operating status of barrier systems. Barrier systems represent gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways. Status of the systems includes operating condition and current operational state.
conflict monitor status (Future)
A control flow that supports failsafe operation in the event that a conflict is detected that requires the RSE to enter a failsafe operating mode for intersection management. Analogous to a traffic signal conflict monitor, this flow is issued when differences are detected between information provided to the vehicle for in–vehicle display and information displayed by field devices. It contains the details of differences that were found.
environmental sensor data (Future)
Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors is also included.
environmental situation data (Future)
Aggregated and filtered vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti–lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center. Depending on the RSE configuration and implementation, the data set may also include environmental sensor station data collected by the RSE.
infrastructure restriction warning (Future)
Vehicle size (height, width, length) and weight as measured by infrastructure sensors and the infrastructure restriction warning message currently displayed on roadside signs.
intersection control status (Future)
Status data provided by the traffic signal controller including phase information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.
intersection infringement info (Future)
Vehicle path information sent by a vehicle that is performing an unpermitted movement at an intersection such as a stop sign violation or running a red light. This also includes information about possible conflicts with other road users in the vehicle's path, including a range of uncontrolled intersection scenarios that could be covered by this flow. This flow does not include permanent ids; only temporary ones that allow monitoring of the vehicle as it moves across the intersection.
intersection status monitoring (Future)
Current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection. This flow represents monitoring of communications by a receiver at the intersection to support monitoring for conflicts between actual signal states and RSE communications about those states.
reduced speed warning info (Future)
Real time notification of vehicle detections, measured vehicle characteristics (e.g., vehicle height), speed measurements, and warnings issued by roadway infrastructure. This flow can also include roadway configuration data, current speed limits, and warning parameters and thresholds enabling local speed management application configuration and management.
restricted lanes application status (Future)
Current RSE application status that is monitored by the back office center including the operational state of the RSE, current configuration parameters, and a log of lane use (aggregate profiles of vehicles that checked in to the lane and reported vehicle speeds in the lanes) and RSE communications activity.
roadway dynamic signage data (Future)
Information used to initialize, configure, and control dynamic message signs. This flow can provide message content and delivery attributes, local message store maintenance requests, control mode commands, status queries, and all other commands and associated parameters that support remote management of these devices.
roadway dynamic signage status (Future)
Current operating status of dynamic message signs.
signal preemption request (Future)
Direct request for preemption to a traffic signal controller that results in preemption of the current control plan and grants right–of–way to the requesting vehicle. This flow identifies the required phase and timing of the preemption. This flow may also cancel the preemption request (e.g., when the requesting vehicle clears the intersection).
signal priority service request (Future)
A service request for vehicle priority issued to a traffic signal controller that results in green extension or other accommodation for the priority vehicle, within the current signal timing plan. The request includes the priority level, the desired time and duration of service, and the intended travel path through the intersection. This flow also allows the RSE to cancel a previously issued request for priority.
signal service request (Future)
A call for service or extension for a signal control phase that is issued by the RSE for connected vehicles approaching an intersection and/or pedestrians at a crosswalk. This flow identifies the desired phase and service time.
traffic gap information (Future)
Measured gap to the next approaching vehicle per lane and direction of travel
traffic situation data (Future)
Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection.
vehicle signage local data (Future)
Information provided by adjacent field equipment to support in–vehicle signing of dynamic information that is currently being displayed to passing drivers. This includes the dynamic information (e.g., local traffic and road conditions, work zone information, lane restrictions, detours, closures, advisories, parking availability, etc.) and control parameters that identify the desired timing, duration, and priority of the signage data.
work zone warning notification (Future)
Notification of a work zone emergency or safety issue. This flow identifies that a work zone emergency or safety issue has occurred so that warnings may be generated by more than one system in the work zone.
wrong way vehicle detected (Future)
Notification that a vehicle has been detected traveling in the wrong direction. This can be a direct report by an equipped vehicle that is being driven in the wrong direction or a report of a non–equipped vehicle that has been detected traveling in the wrong direction. It includes the current location, speed, acceleration, and heading of the wrong way vehicle.