Interface: WSDOT SWR Maintenance and Construction Vehicles - City of Vancouver Maintenance System

Information Flow Definitions
environmental sensors control (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Data used to configure and control environmental sensors.
maint and constr dispatch information (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Information used to dispatch maintenance and construction vehicles, equipment, and crews and information used to keep work zone crews informed. This information includes routing information, traffic information, road restrictions, incident information, environmental information, decision support information, maintenance schedule data, dispatch instructions, personnel assignments, alert notifications, and corrective actions.
maint and constr vehicle system control (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Configure and control data that supports remote control of on–board maintenance and construction vehicle systems and field equipment that is remotely controlled by the vehicle. For example, the data can be used to adjust material application rates and spread patterns.
work zone warning device control (Planned)
Data used to configure and control work zone safety monitoring and warning devices.