Interface: City of Vancouver Traffic Management Center - Connected Vehicle

Information Flow Definitions
broadcast traveler information (Planned)
General traveler information that contains traffic and road conditions, link travel times, incidents, advisories, restrictions, work zones, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related traveler information.
electric charging services inventory (Future)
Aggregate information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station.
infrastructure safety warning notification (Future)
Notification of infrastructure issues such as objects in travel lanes, damaged or compromised safety features, and other field infrastructure issues with potential road safety impacts that are identified and reported by the infrastructure.
intersection status (Future)
Current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection. This flow identifies active lanes and lanes that are being stopped and specifies the length of time that the current state will persist for each lane. It also identifies signal priority and preemption status and pedestrian crossing status information where applicable.
lane closure information (Future)
Lane closure information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides information about roadway configuration changes such as lane closures and shifts.
reduced speed warning info (Future)
Real time notification of vehicle detections, measured vehicle characteristics (e.g., vehicle height), speed measurements, and warnings issued by roadway infrastructure. This flow can also include roadway configuration data, current speed limits, and warning parameters and thresholds enabling local speed management application configuration and management.
restricted lanes information (Future)
This flow defines the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, speed limits and platooning parameters.
traffic regulation information (Planned)
Traffic rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that have official status and must be understood by all motor vehicle operators and intelligent vehicles that operate at higher automation levels. The flow includes the regulations and the associated locations, effective date and time periods, and applicable vehicle classes. This flow supports targeted transfer of regulations to end user systems and may be initiated based on a query or pushed so that vehicles have access to relevant regulations for their vehicle classification at the current location, date, and timeframe.
trip confirmation (Planned)
Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations. Conversely, this flow may also reject the proposed trip plan. Confirmations include the selected route and subsequent trip confirmation messages will be issued for route changes.
trip feedback (Planned)
Information provided at the conclusion of a trip that supports performance monitoring and system optimization. Information provided may include a record of the trip including HOV/HOT lane usage and user provided feedback at the conclusion of the trip.
trip plan (Planned)
A travel itinerary identifying a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended modes and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information. This flow also includes intermediate information that is provided as the trip plan is interactively created, including identification of alternatives, requests for additional information.
trip request (Planned)
Request for trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for transit and parking reservations and ridesharing options associated with the trip. The trip request also covers requests to revise a previously planned trip and interim updates that are provided as the trip is interactively planned.
user account setup (Planned)
Billing information, vehicle information (or registration information), and requests for reports. Also includes subsequent account changes.
user profile (Planned)
Information provided to register for a travel service and create a user account. The provided information includes personal identification, traveler preferences (e.g., maximum transfer wait time, maximum walking distance, mode preferences, special needs), device information, a user ID and password, and information to support payment transactions, if applicable.