Goal 2
Provide a safe and secure transportation system that allows for the movement of people and freight.
Transportation systems must be safe and secure for users. Transportation safety is a priority concern for all transportation modes and users including vehicle drivers and passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Transportation system safety relates to safety features and design for all users, behavior of the user and to transportation system policing and enforcement. Transportation system security has also become a prominent concern for all transportation modes that use roads, rail, air or water.
Source: Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Supported by
Reduce incidents and severity of collisions |
Associated Performance Measures
Category | Number | Performance Measure |
Collision Rate | 4 | Rate/number of primary collisions; rate/number of secondary collisions; rate/number of fatalities; rate/number of injuries |
Incident Response | 3 | Number/type of incident responses; incident duration; incident response time; average incident clearance time |